Tuesday, 15 December 2015

Do I get enough exercise?

Do I get enough excercise
Every week I do quite a lot of exercise. From Monday to Friday, I go back home on foot. It takes three minutes. At school, we have P.E twice a week ,for three quarters of an hour on Tuesdays and one hour and a half on Thursdays. After school, I go to multisport lessons once a week on Wednesdays, I go to judo lessons once a week on Thursdays and I go to dance lessons once a week on Fridays. At the weekend I go to multisport matches once a week on Saturdays.
I think I get about 6 hours and quarter of exercise every week. When I do exercise, I feel good about myself. I get hungry and thirsty, I sleep well, I get strong, I get healthy, I breathe well and I have fun.

By Beñat M.
Primary 5th level

judo bilaketarekin bat datozen irudiak

Friday, 11 December 2015

I get enough exercise.On Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays I walk to school.At school we have PE twice a week and it is on Tuesdays and Thursdays.At lunch time I  sometimes play football and basketball.After school on Mondays and Fridays I go to dande lessons.On Thursdays I go to Judo lessons.On Mondays the dance is from 17:15 -18:00.On Fridays the dance is from 17:30 -18:30.The Judo is from 17:30 -18:30.On Tuesdays I rollerskate with Iker and Beñat.B.At the weekend I go to the montain and cicle in the bike lane with my family.

 Resultado de imagen de exercise children

When I do exercise I get hungry and thirsty and I sleep well.
by ARAIA                                                        primary 5th level

Do I get enough exercise?
I do quite a lot of exercise all the week I walk to school and back home. At the break time I play pelota with my friends. After school I play football with my friends. On Thursday I have drama lessons. On Saturdays and Sundays I play football with my dad.
I think I sleep well and I eat well after doing exercise I have P.E three quarters of an hour on Tuesdays and on Thursdays one hour and a half.   I sometimes play games and football.

By Abderrahman                                    Primary 5th level

Wednesday, 18 November 2015


It`s got whiskers
It`s got  a tail
It`s got  fur
lt`s  got  four  legs
It`s got claws
It`s hasn`t got scales
lt` hasn`t got wings
 What is it?

By Ahetze and Ainhoa
Primary 3rdB

A parrot has got a beak.
It´s got wings.

It´s got feathers.
Resultado de imagen de parrot

Primary 3rdA
A tiger has got whiskers.
It´s got sharp teeth.
It´s got claws.
It´s got a tail.
It´s got fur.
 It´s very fast.
Resultado de imagen de tiger

Thursday, 12 November 2015

Resultado de imagen de fish
A fish has got scales.
It´s got gills.
It hasn´t got wings.

It´s got two eyes.
It hasn´t got a shell.
It´s got a mouth.

It´s got a tail.
A tortoise has got a shell.
It´s got a little tail.
It´s got two eyes.
It hasn´t got whiskers.  
It hasn´t got fur.  
It is slow.

By  Primary 3rdB                       

Thursday, 22 October 2015

Electronic gadget survey

June Urretabizkaia (Primary 5th)
I use a computer at school, at home, at the library, at my uncle´s house, at my cousins´house and at my grandparents´house. At school, I use the computer to learn English, to watch videos, to do maths, to play games and to do projects.
At home, I use the computer to play online games , to listen to music, to watch music videos and write emails, to paint pictures. At the library, I watch DVDs and music videos in the computer. At my grandparents´house, I use the computer to play games. At my cousin´s house, I play games.

By Imanol (Primary 3rd B)

Wednesday, 21 October 2015

Resultado de imagen de computer
I use a computer at school, at home, at the library. At school, I use the computer to learn English, to watch  videos,  to do maths, to play games and to do projects. At home, I use a computer to play online games. At the library, I watch dvds.
 by Aimar (Primary 3rd B )               
Hi there! This blog was created so that students from Pello Errota School can share projects, works, surveys, news, videos, pictures and so on with you.We hope you like it!